Friday, August 26, 2011

Family Research Council Hate Video

I found the video below from Laughing in Purgatory, it’s a “Family Research Council” video on how homosexual/bisexual/pansexual or as they say people in “unhealthy relationships” and who are involved in “destructive behavior” are destroying families.

I find it sad that they need a video to push their religious anti-LGBT agenda. So much for their God being “all loving” and atheists being “evil”. Atheists aren’t the one’s trying to destroy others families. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Wounded Warrior – Derek McConnell

Yesterday I found out about a wounded soldier on the Homefront Blog from Operation Write Home. He was stationed in Afghanistan in March 2011 and on July 23rd 2011, he lost both legs due to an IED. You can read more of his story here

OWH asked us to send cards of encouragement to him. So today I made him a card

Monday, August 1, 2011

Death and a Baby Shower

So Thursday I found out that my grandmother, who lives in Florida, died. And before you start with the sympathy, let me just say that I’m not upset about it, at all.